Thursday, February 26, 2009

Luang Prabang

Visit my awesome new blog at, xoxo Dean

After two days on the Mekong, I was ready to get off the boat.  But it was amazing.  I'll post photos and tales when I have more time and a faster internet connection.
However, I do have a new Laotian phone number.  12 hours difference from EST in the USA.  This should work.
(Sorry -- the lady in the one-horse town where I bought my SIM card forgot to tell me about the "20" part of the number.)
Awesome things seen today for sale this morning at the market:
- two cow's legs
- one cow's tail (meat and flies)
- a woman selling one bunch of bananas and one rat
Awesome things not found at the market
- local khao soy, which I've heard some guy sells in the mornings.  I'm searching tho!

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