Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Moustache (Middle Eastern)

Visit my awesome new blog at, xoxo Dean

265 e. 10th st @ Ave A, NY

1. the service was terrible.  this really seems to be such a huge sticking point with me.  in an almost completely empty restaurant, the waiter ignored me until I was comfortable at a table, with my jacket off, my magazine out, etc, etc, and then demanded I move to a far smaller table in a large puddle of water.  almost every table was empty!  I balked, so he moved me to another table the same size as the first, but with coats strung on all of the chairs.  instead of moving them, he wandered off, leaving me to approach the people at the other two tables, asking them to move their coats.  he then proceeded to ignored us for the bulk of the meal.  we had to walk into another section of the restaurant (quite literally two rooms away) twice -- once to ask for the bill, and then again to ask for change.  with three waiters, and only four tables of customers, in a huge restaurant, you might expect slightly, or far, better service.

2. the food was not worth it.  bonnie's soup was fine; her salad was passable; my middle-eastern lamb pizza, however, was such a thin layer of what I can only describe as lamb spread (the same consistency and amount as a "buttery spread," or a "cream cheese spread") on a cracker-thin layer of baked pita, that I left wanting a second supper.  had it tasted interesting, or exciting, or even good, that would have made it worth while.  instead, it really didn't taste like much at all.

instead of a second supper, I went out for a glass of whisky.  which suited me far more.

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