Wow. So the first few bites of this dinner were mind-blowingly good. Radish salad, doused in a peanutty sauce, followed by Char-shu Ramen with the Shoyu (Chichen/Soy) broth. The radish salad, actualy, was far too big and not so exciting, but the pork slices in the ramen were so tender and fatty and blasting with flavor. The broth was thick and gorgeous and loaded with salt. Those first few bites, I was in heaven.
But then you know that feeling when you have a wild rich desert, and no matter how good it is, at the 1/3 marker, you start to feel sick? This was far too rich. Far far too flavorful. And so salty. Focused on those first few bites, I kept eating, kept forcing my way through this insanely big bowl of ramen... and by then end, I was ready to have my stomach pumped. (Looking at the pictures, I start to feel a little nauseous.)
Never thought I'd say this, but if I go back, maybe I should try something a little more bland. ;)
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