Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Gravy (American)

Visit my awesome new blog at, xoxo Dean

100-102 Smith St @ Pacific, Brooklyn. 

Southern Fried Chicken, the monday night blue-plate special.  I really like this restaurant, but the food just wasn't all that good.  The smaller pieces of chicken were fine -- great, even.  But the large piece -- most of the food on the plate -- was completely under-cooked in the middle.  I only tried to eat half of it before feeling somewhat nauseous.  The collard-greens -- a huge mound that reminded me of Dreyfuss' mash-potato mountain, were mostly inedible (my body wishes I didn't try so hard), tho the mashed-potatoes were bacon-ey, lumpy, and fantastic.

Whatever Pale Ale was on tap (Whitbread maybe?) was nice and lemoney.

New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.

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